Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Attention in the Negotiation. For Reflection

How many times we have lost while thinking that we were going to win, but this happens for a reason that is not excessive confidence, lack of knowledge, lack of experience, lack of capacity but lack of maintaining due attention.

Every negotiation requires that we are awake, which means, taking care of every detail, and projecting every experience in a future that foresees the changes of stages and the uncertainty of a volatile destiny, and the person who sleeps, will dream with success but will awake with misfortune, then, we must be like torches in the darkness.

Be vigilant, cautious, attentive, never smug or arrogant. Be humble to learn, but courageous for defending each stage of the path, always dressed with the truth, then, you will have leadership on each stage of the negotiation and you'll know where you are going and will not get lost in the mist nor in the foam of glory, but you'll contemplate solid ground, and as a good captain you'll take your ship to safe destiny.

Attention is fundamental in the art of reaching the goals, of defending, protecting, taking care and multiplying them. Be vigilant, sleep with one eye and be attentive with the other, this is a simple advice that will make you able to negotiate with the toughest expert.

-Art and Teachings to nourish your soul, based on the works of Oscar Basurto Carbonell

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